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Challenger Transformations








Program: PiYO/Choc Vegan shake

I'm fairly new at this and I've went down from near 190 lbs at 5ft 6in. to 173 lbs in the last 60 days. I have another 20 lbs more to go according to my doctor to be at my ideal weight. It's not about being skinny or losing weight the quickest way. It's about being healthy and a permanent lifestyle change, to be stronger, to be an example for my little girls, to have energy, to be more confident, to relieve stress naturally, to be more positive and to inspire others. I'm not some machine that jumps out of bed without a battle to work-out everyday. I love my sleep just as much as the next person. I need motivation too. If it wasn't for my coach, my fellow challengers and friends, I would not be where I am now and where I am going. Sometimes I have to modify an exercise or I can't finish my workout. That's ok. The struggle is real. It's all about "Progress not Perfection".


Program: T25 and Shakeology


Melissa Collins

17 pounds and 12.75 inches GONE, ONE round of T25.


Here's her story!
"Did I do the program perfectly? No. I'd love to tell you I stuck to my eating plan 100% and that I NEVER missed a work out, but I can't do that. I enjoyed cake on birthdays and get togethers.. chocolate -- and I even slipped and had whataburger (even a DP)... But I kept getting back up. I didn't quit! And I'm still not going to quit! I'm not where I want to be, but I'm a whole lot closer now than I was when I started this!"

Wow!  Where do I start?  I look at the girl on the left and remember the pain and how miserable I was.  I let my weight take over me!  I was miserable.  I remember nights of looking into my closet and crying because I didn't have anything to wear, I remember passing up so many invitations to go places because I was the fat girl there...I let life pass me by.  I finally made the decision to join a 10 day challenge.  I loved it, but still had doubts.  Can I really do this?  Can I lose the weight and keep it off?  I decided to join the next 60 day challenge group.  While waiting on my package to arrive, I let my self doubt win...and I CANCELLED my order.  I couldn't do it. It would be too hard, I didn't have enough time for me....whatever excuse I could find!!  But guess what?  My coach did not give up on me....and thank God she didn't.  18 months later, 65 pounds down...I am comfortable in my own skin.  My relationship with my kids is better than ever, my broken marriage is better than ever... If you find yourself thinking... "Can I do this?  The answer is YES!!  Yes you can.  I asked myself, why not me.  Now it's time to ask yourself...why not me?!

Program: 21 Day Fix / Shakeology

My life has been forever changed by 21 Day Fix and shakeology. After battling thyroid cancer I was overweight, depressed with no energy to live life. In 8 months I have lost 45 pounds and 35 inches. I  am confident, happy, full of life and can be an inspiration to my children and those around me!

Andi Hodson


I am a stay at home mom and former special Ed teacher and volleyball/basketball coach. After having my second child and gaining 54 pounds I knew I needed to gain control of myself. I saw my friend and fellow coach, Meredith Helm, and her dramatic transformation. I quickly started asking questions and jumped on board. I ordered my first challenge pack and loved the shakes and fitness program. They made me feel good and also helped curb my cravings for bad food. I lost about 10 pounds doing t25 but my major loss didn't occur until started doing 21 day fix. I found that nutrition was my biggest issue. I've always had a drive to active but with the combination of the two I really started seeing changes. I got plugged into challenge groups and stayed connected. I moved on to 21 day fix extreme and Max 30. I've lost a total of 39 pounds and inches that I've lost track of. I was approached to coach but hesitantly declined and signed up as a discount coach. After almost finishing up Max 30 I decided I love the idea of helping people on their journey. I'm in my third month of coaching now and there is nothing better than backing products where you eat real food, sweat like a champ, and not dread my next days positive choices.

Rebekah Doss


On the left is Deaglan's 1st birthday party the week before we moved to CA weighing most likely close to 200 pounds( yikes!) that was in September 2014 and on the right is now July 2015 weighing at 169! Close to 30+ pounds gone! But it didn't happen over night, it takes time and hard work! So here is to another 30 to go


Programs: PIYO, 21 Day Fix, and Shakeology

Laura Schiveley


After 2 pregnancies with 2 difficult births, 2 kids under 3 to care for, zero energy, 20 lbs overweight, and never feeling comfortable in my own skin, I knew I needed help and I needed change!
I decided to trust is a friend who was doing Beachbody challenges and I watched the weight fall off of her, so I knew this is what I wanted to go for. I was hooked after my first 5 Day Shakeology challenge. Just 5 days of shakes alongside clean eating and fitness and I felt a new spark of natural energy that I haven't felt since I was a teen! And not the  artificial kind you get in a can, I'm talking real energy that you wake up with that keeps pumping all through the day.
I kept going and added more intense fitness trying out Piyo & the 21 Day Fix and I am so proud to say I am below my pre pregnancy weight just 2.5 months later. 1 month postpartum I weighed 177lbs, in my before picture I weighed somewhere near 165 (I refused to weigh myself then)
Now I weigh 145 lbs and the inches I've lost all over my body are remarkable!..However this is a journey and I am still working on me!

S'Kate Strickland


I started this health journey a little over a year ago but these three pictures are from this season alone... I'm officially done with my first round of whole30 on Wednesday and THESE are my results smile emoticon I'm down nearly 15lbs and I feel INCREDIBLE!!!! From pic one to pic 3, that's a 25 POUND DIFFERENCE!!! Changing my nutrition has seriously changed my life heart emoticon

My nutrition (including my secret weapon, Shakeology) combined with daily dates with Shaun T are what created these results for me. I stuck to my meal plan (honestly the no alcohol was the biggest thing lol) and I'm soooo happy to say that I'm planning to stick to it for another 2 months wink emoticon

Talina Woodson


I had been overweight for most of my life and was used to being and feeling like a failure due to my weight.  I was the quiet chubby kid throughout grade school and as a young adult I turned to alcohol every day to drown my sorrows away.  Before I knew it, I was in my early 30’s, morbidly obese, pre-diabetic, suffered from many aches and pains all over my body, severely depressed and had no purpose in life.  I secluded myself from the world and always tried to hide from people out of embarrassment from what I had become.  Finally, I decided that I had to do something to save myself from an early grave.  The most I could do in the beginning was simply a 30 minute walk at the park every day.  Shortly afterwards, I bought different DVD sets such as P90X, Insanity, T25, and the 21 Day fix and others. The pounds started coming off, I began to feel much better, I had tons of energy and my aches and pains slowly disappeared.  Most importantly, I lost ALL of the fears that held me back from doing what I’ve always wanted to do.  Get in shape.  I continue to make big and small goals and I’m crushing them along the way.  I’m no longer that defeated girl and the words “I can’t” are no longer in my vocabulary.  Being a quitter is a thing of the past.  So far I’ve lost about 90 lbs but it’s no longer about numbers.  It’s about being healthy, not having any illnesses, being strong and looking forward to a happy life. I’ve gained an amazing amount of self-worth, confidence and strength.  My life is now totally different.  I’m healthy, I’m no longer depressed, I’m not fearful, I don’t hide from things and I’m happier than I’ve even been.  I’m doing things with my body that I never thought were possible.  I have my life back and for the first time ever, I actually love it.  That’s priceless! 

Jennifer Byrom



Nothing to fear, but fear itself, right? {GULP} this is hard for me --putting myself out here like this! I was a mama that has very few pics of myself and if I have one my kiddos are around me where you can't see me anyways! Is that you, too??? Well, I found this one that makes me proud of my progress! I'm a mama just like most of you that put MY health on the back burner for way too long! I found little cracks in my time to get a workout in and have taught my kiddos to eat better and to be active! Woot! Am I perfect---NO, but I try my best! 




Elizabeth Hayden


I am a registered critical care nurse at Methodist hospital. I have two beautiful children who are 16 and 10. Three years ago I began my journey to a healthier me, I was morbidly obese, unhealthy, and undernourished. I knew if I didn't make better choices that I would end up just like my patients in the ICU, dying from disease evolution of diabetes and hypertension. Like most people, I was clueless where to begin grasping at any fad out there, wanting the quick fix, trying any diet, spending a small fortune with small results that were unsustainable. It wasn't till I realized that it isn't a sprint or a diet, but a decision that from this day forward I would be smarter and make better choices. I would look at food differently...would this nourish me and fill me up or would it end up making me feel worse and more guilty. There is no magic pill and it takes time, consistency, and will power, but pound by pound I finally got there. Each day is still a struggle, I battle with my inner fat girl everyday, deciding to make healthy choices. I have bad days just like everyone else but the key is having more good days than bad days. We are human and life has a tendency to get in our way, so meal prepping is essential!!!! I have been doing the 21 day fix for 42 days and have lost 16 pounds and 15 inches (Most of those inches were from my waist, hips, and thighs, my trouble spots!!)!! I am the smallest I have ever been as an adult EVER!!!! The nutrition guide, the motivational Facebook groups, the easy 30 minute workouts I'm doing from home, and the Shakeology are producing results that I never imagined. I believe in using these tools because they are simple science that works!!! I was a size 22 or a 3XL before and now a size 4 and even some 2s!!!! It's crazy, exciting, and because of my newfound confidence I now have doors opening for me that I never would have imagined at 36. I have a passion to help anybody I can with their war, to be there to educate and inspire. I believe that you can achieve whatever you put your mind to, if you believe in yourself and you want it bad enough, the sky is the limit!

Leslie Fiscus 


A year and a half ago we moved to Austin and back in a matter of 6 months. During that time I had a very painful surgery on my toe to remove bone spurs. I was stress eating and not working out. And over those last few years I put nutrition and exercise on the back burner. We settled back in to Corpus and I was not a happy person. I totally knew what my problem was. I needed to get my health back on track. You see, when I am feeling chunky and when my clothes feel tight.... It affects every area of my life. My problem was just getting started. I have been following my friend, Kristin on her Facebook page for about 3 years and her consistency and challenge groups motivated me. I knew I needed someone to keep me accountable. So I joined her private Facebook challenge group. Dang y'all, It's crazy all the amazing stuff that starts to happen on the INSIDE when you start working on the OUTSIDE. Challenge groups are JUST WHAT I NEEDED! They just put all the pieces together for me. nutrition, fitness, and (here's the biggie)they wouldn't let me quit. I am back to being comfortable in my own skin and and am so much happier.I'm a better wife and mom(funny how the nagging disappears when you feel AWESOME!)



The photo on the left was either my 14th or 15th birthday. A few of you may have seen this photo when I found it a couple weeks back, but I wasn't planning on sharing publicly. It pulled up a lot of old feelings of shame and self-loathing.

One of my challengers shared her transformation in our challenge group this morning, and gave me the push to realize how far I have come. This picture is, more importantly, a reminder that I will not go back.

I will never go back. To being unhealthy and miserable. To getting out of breath when doing ANYTHING physical. It was awful. I FELT awful. And out of control. 

I know the struggle. For real. And if I could do this, anyone can.

So here's to 10 years, and 10x happier and healthier!



Ever hit ROCK BOTTOM and nowhere to go but up☝ That was me not to long ago!! Ever have a picture someone tagged you in and you where like... NOOO! 🙈 That was this before picture. We all have those moments!!

By putting one foot in front of the other and learning to PLAY in the kitchen, with clean eating and healthy food, I FINALLY found a balance that allows me stay balanced with my mind and body. Clean eating and giving myself 30 minutes a day!! That's it... 👏👏

Here is my face to face to give you a clear picture of my struggles and my triumphs 🏆

And sadly it took another year to start my journey. The only regret I have is waiting!!

It's SO HARD to look at, not because how I look, but how I felt.

This is a great reminder of my journey to a BETTER me 💪👊

Before=UNCOMFORTABLE in my own skin and unhappy 


Jenn Elliott


Alright guys....this post is kind of emotional and almost difficult to share but on the flip side I feel sort of responsible to share my story with hopes it may encourage one of you! 

So, almost a year and a half ago (Jan 2015) I began my 'weight loss journey'. It has been a time of ups and down. I've tried different 'diets' and given up many times. I started off cutting calories. I wasn't really exercising, but a little weight came off. I gave up because I wasn't eating the proper foods and was still hungry at the end of the day. A short while later I was encouraged to go low-carb. Again, I lost a little but wasn't really exercising and quickly got burnt out on eggs and grilled chicken caesar salads, so again I gave up. After many previous conversations with my friend and now fellow Beachbody coach, Jennifer White Horner, my bestest friend Tori Parker and I decided to reach out to her again. I'm so glad we did. I've completed my first round of 21 day fix and I'm now into round 2. I exercise daily with the workouts Beachbody sent me, I not only drink, but look forward to my healthiest meal of the day-my Shakeology, and I portion my foods. Most days I almost find it a struggle to eat everything! Can you say that about a 'diet' you've tried? I couldn't before now! Not everyday is easy and I've already had slip-ups, but what I can tell you is how much better I'm already feeling. I have amazing support from my coach and great online groups that I've plugged into that help inspire, motivate and help keep me accountable!

I am officially, as of today, down a total of 45lbs. I have lost over 11" and 10lbs since I began my Beachbody journey less than a month ago. I have more energy (most of you can tell that from my posts....heck I just put down hardwood floors in an entire room myself instead of napping all afternoon 😉). Tori and I help keep each outlet accountable and we can help you do the same! 

I'm also going to share something else, very personal, that I've proven true to myself. A few months ago I went to the doctor seeking medication for anxiety (again). He asked me if I was exercising. I said, no not really l-I know I need to loose some more weight. His reply was "I'm not talking about your weight. Did you know that studies show that 30 mins of cardio is equal to the dose of medication I'm giving you?". Let me just say that I have found this to be so true! I see myself 'needing' less medication and feeling better after my workout.

I seriously debated on sharing all of this but if it can maybe inspire one of you to take that first step in living a healthier lifestyle then it's totally worth me stepping out of my box and sharing! ❤️

And I don't really have any great before/after pics of just me (plus I'm still on the journey) so this is about the best I could do...hope y'all can see a difference 



The fact that I'm actually excited about that bathing suit I'm wearing is kinda INSANE - the girl on the left was DEFINITELY not excited about bathing suits! My journey to a better me began in early August 2015. Matt and I had just celebrated 10 years of marriage on this dream vacation to Europe. I was looking through pictures from our trip, and while I wanted to focus on all the amazing things we’d seen and done, all I could think about was how I absolutely HATED the way I looked in those photos (like the one on the left). That’s when things came to a head. I was carrying around 8 years of baby weight…so very uncomfortable in my own skin and struggling with anxiety and depression. I desperately wanted a change but I was afraid I would never see one and had NO idea where to even start. I’d tried the gym and weight loss shakes and was beginning to think I might just have to live with the way things were…and I honestly didn't really expect any different when I agreed to join my friend, Kristin's accountability group. But I didn't have anything to lose, and Matt encouraged me, so I jumped in with both feet. #oneofmybestdecisionsEVER

Since then I have completed 2 rounds each of CIZE, PiYo, and 21 Day Fix, and I’m currently in week 3 of 22 Min Hard Corps. I eat clean 80% of the time and drink Shakeology every day, and both of those have played a huge roll in my journey. I've lost almost 40 pounds in the past 7 months, but more than that I've GAINED energy, anxiety/stress management, self confidence, endurance, and the MOST amazing support system. I love helping people learn how they can have a healthier, happier life…I love cooking yummy, healthy recipes for my family…I love working out #whaaaaaaaat…and if you’d told me 7 months ago that I’d be where I am and do what I do today I would have laughed!

Erika Freeman

All my life I was never ashamed of my body, even if I'd gained a little weight it was only maybe 5 lbs or so. In 2014 I had my fourth baby and gained a lot of weight with her because I did not stay active. Last year I hated all my pictures. By the end of the year I weighed more than I ever had. By December I felt I was committed to losing the weight. I did a couple of free challenges in January but felt a challenge pack was a little out of my price range and tried doing things on my own. I lost about twenty pounds but because my only exercise was walking (I had some videos but never kept at anything) as soon as life caught up with me, eating fast food, traveling, etc, I quickly gained weight back. This past May I signed up for a 30 day challenge choosing 21 day fix. I went through 2 challenges and while the weight didn't drop a quickly as I'd thought, I did find my clothes becoming looser, dropping 2 pant sizes and fitting into a medium shirt. I saw definition, I felt muscles, solid muscles, found endurance, and a drive to get up a little earlier every morning just to work out. I ran my first 5k in almost a decade (32 mins) and have made it a part of my life. I can now say I have lost 30 lbs, but that doesn't account for all the muscle I gained. The second picture shows me wearing a swimsuit I hadn't worn since 2011.

Chelsea Prince

I made sooooo many excuses. Too many excuses...

✨I work full time as a USAF PA
✨I'm a mom of a toddler
✨I'm working on my marriage
✨I'm planning a wedding
✨I'm to tired
✨I don't have time

And these were followed up with:

👎🏼I hate my body
👎🏼I'm fat
👎🏼I'm tired
👎🏼I wish I was skinny

Until one day I just decided that I needed to make the change for myself no matter what I had on my plate.. And seesh... 30 minutes a day? What's that... That's one episode of tv I didn't need to watch! 

But what happens after you commit... Do you never make mistakes or fall off? Uhhh no you make lots bad decisions Bc were all human and that's life! But what's great is I know that it's so easy to get back on once you realize it's time & my breaks are so long anymore! 

Believe me I enjoy vacation just like everyone else! 

First pic was start of 21 day fix extreme after I enjoyed vacation a bit too much 🙈 and right was end of 21 day fix extreme! Just 3 weeks and I'm back on track and only 30 minutes a day and dumb proof containers!! 

Morgan Metger


I would love to take a moment to share my story with you! First I want to start off with how proud and lucky I feel to be friends with all of you ladies. 

Here it goes... about thirty days ago I took control of the little devil whispering in my ear "you are not good enough... oh look at that other girl she looks better then you".... I told that devil it was time to leave the moment I heard Autumn's voice. After that first gruesome workout (but awesome) my vision finally became clear and I was able to see what my husband and kids saw (beauty)! I had so much weight lifted off of my shoulders and I refuse to go back to it. I guess you can say my story is not really about my weight or eating issues but more so seeing the beauty that God created. My husband will forever be grateful to Beachbody because now when he says "You look beautiful" I don't turn around with a smart remark I just say "thank you so much babe"... That is HUGE for me! 

The scale was another issue... Kind of ashamed how much it controlled my emotions over the years! Seriously... I would cry over 2lbs.... that is nuts girls right???? On day seven of my first challenge I woke up feeling great and super happy with my progress I had made. It was time to weigh myself and to my surprise I had gained two pounds... Ummm excuse me? I do not think so. I walked away like a boss and told that scale where to stick it and looked in the mirror to admire the new muscles that had developed. The look on my hubby's face was priceless. 


Stacy Eby

I decided that I was sick and tired of being overweight. My 40th birthday was coming up and I was NOT going to be 40 and unhappy with my body. I was the biggest I'd been in my whole life. I've completed 6 beachbody programs, lost countless inches, and 44 lbs. I love my body again. It's not perfect, but I'm certainly proud of it!

Danielle Medley

 I was unhappy that I didn't lose my 2nd baby weight as fast as I did with my 1st baby. I was tired, depressed, had brain fog, and couldn't focus. I hated how I looked at my daughter's first birthday (it wasn't the old me) so in 2015 I decided to start working out. But I could never get consistent. My tired mindset won every time! Finally I joined a challenge group and got motivated. I decided to try 21 Day Fix and use Shakeology. I didn't believe in the shakes until I tried them and saw better results than after I finished p90x back in 2012! My mind still doesn't want to workout but coaching has kept me consistent. And thanks to coaching I have a better body than I could have imagined!

Whitney Kays

My transformation story begins on July 27, 2015. 

I consider myself an athletic and competitive person. Since having children, I put them and their needs above my own health. Even though I remained active (playing in volleyball and kickball leagues), it was fairly minimal. I also really let my eating go down hill. I became dependent on fast-food eating. There were many weeks that we would eat fast-food 4-5 times in a week! Not only was I feeling bad about myself physically, but I was also just physically feeling bad. I was always tired, my knees hurt, my body ached, and on and on. 
Needless to say it was time to try something else. Gym memberships never worked for me because I never had time to go. Conventional diets never worked for me because either the food tasted weird or I was never able to keep up with the calorie count/point count. 

My husband had a serious health scare in March of 20015. It caused both of us to wake up and do something different. He chose the gym route and a few months later I chose 21 Day Fix. My life changed. Finally I found something that I can make my own, rather that force my life into something its not (you know.... that whole square peg round hole thing!)

Shakeology has been perfect for me (chocolate Shakeo with PB2 and banana is the way to go!) because I have never been a breakfast person. Study after study shows how bad that is for you. I now drink a Shakeology in the morning as a great start to my day. My body gets the nutrients it needs to perform at its best, and I get a yummy breakfast that makes me feel like I'm eating a frosty!!!!

During my first month I lost 7 pounds and 16.45 inches!!! With those results, there was no way I could stop! I finished my second month and lost another 6 pounds. I am currently down over 20 pounds, but the changes to my lifestyle are immeasurable! These may not seem like the extreme numbers you see on tv, but let's not forget the 5 million things I have on my plate right now! If I can be successful at this....anyone can!

In the first few weeks of doing this, I noticed that I started to see food and think of food differently. "Real" food tastes better! And fast food actually tastes really gross once you stop having it. Who knew? Once I realized that there were other people out there like me who needed a little encouragement to start something different, I knew I had to give coaching a try. 

I am so excited to not only see how far I can go, but also to show other super busy moms that there really is a way be healthy! My kids deserve to have their mom healthy and happy! What a great reason to start!

Velma Silvas

This was my first post with a pic and I was so nervous about it. It was hard for me to do, and although I am not done yet, I want to share my journey and story with you.  

I am just so proud of the results of my hard work and dedication. These pictures were taken about 42 days apart. It wasn't an easy fix. I hadn't shared before but I was diagnosed with diabetes in March 2015 and since then the doctor had warned me of how my health and organs were heading for failure. I got scared at first and started trying to eat right and exercise sometimes and felt a little better then got lazy and let myself go again. I weighed more than I ever have in my life, even more than I had weighed at 9 months pregnant with any of my 4 kids. I stopped taking my meds and stopped checking my blood glucose level , in May I randomly decided to check it and it was so far off the charts that the machine could not even read it so it was over 600! That was my turning point I knew I had to do something and take over if I wanted to see my kids grow up. I had to go back on my medication and I tried every way but the right way to lose weight. July 4th I started eating cleaner & exercising everyday, whether it was for 30 minutes or an hour. My glucose readings are now perfect without medication and not only have I lost weight, I am healthier than I have been in years. I am so excited about this life long journey I am on!! I just finished round 2 of 21 day fix and lost 11 lbs , 12 inches and 2 pant sizes!! The best is yet to come!

Julie McColley

This is my VERY FIRST 90 DAY challenge January - April 2013. I was hesitant to try to stick to something... but I had had a miscarriage in July 2012, Moved August 2012, & Ian deployed end of October 2012. I pretty much ate my way through the holidays & was at an all time low. I just needed ME back. As a "single mom" & military wife, we tend to say "I GOT THIS" but I didn't got this... on the outside I was sole happy go lucky - I am a very positive person, but on the inside I would go cry in the closet because I missed my husband SO MUCH! It was HARRRRRRD! So I decided to just give it a try, signed up right away for the military coach discount, & went w it. I had NEVER EVER EVER stuck to anything diet/exercise wise in my life, you name it, i tried it! I really just wanted to fit into a certain fave pair of jeans when Ian came home in May... well, I stuck to it! I even ran an 8k! & I loved the groups sooooo much, I decided to actually coach & spread the love to others! & damnit I fit into those jeans when he came home & I felt AMAZING!!! Plus all my PD & support from the groups helped with the hard transition of him coming home & he moving again right away. It's helped repair our marriage after that deployment!! Like this may start out as I "I just wanna lose 10 lbs" but really is a LIFE CHANGER!!! Everything in my life is better because I said yes in January 2013!!!


So, what do you see in this picture... You see a busy momma of 3 healthy baby boys who is making time for herself and making progress... NOT PERFECTION!!! This has been sitting on my phone for over a month now.. I have been working on the courage to post.. So here it is, Because I know the importance of seeing REAL PEOPLE WITH REAL RESULTS!!! 
Before picture.. 1 month postpartum- after picture.. 4 months postpartum and down another 16 pounds and 14 inches!!!!! This journey has NOT been easy and I'm not sure that hard is even the word... But I keep pushing and I won't quit.. In life we face many HARD choices but we are in control of the choice we make.. So though this may be hard.. It's even harder walking around in skin that I don't love, not having the energy to play with my babies and hard to hide the shame I feel with choosing unhealthy... So I will continue to choose this hard!!! I have goals that I want to crush and I will keep fighting for this!!!! 

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